
About Ted

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So far Ted has created 71 blog entries.

Quickhash-GUI v3.3.4 is out

Quickhash-GUI v3.3.4 is out What's new, Ted? 2023 has not seen a flurry of updated releases as much as some of the earlier years, that is true. Family life and work life is busy, and you'd be surprised just how much time it takes creating and maintaining a software tool that works generally seamlessly on both Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OSX. But, thanks to a little time off work during October and November, we have seen the release of both v3.3.3. and then v3.3.4 soon after. Both versions contain a lot of important fixes over earlier [...]

v3.3.2 is out now!

v3.3.1 is out now! Don't get excited, folks! This is only a small update. The key changes are the column headers in CSV outputs had to be tweaked because Microsoft Excel gets confused by files that start with the value "ID". So I had to change it to "No" (shorthand for number). Secondly, and more importantly, the "Save to CSV" checkbox in the "Copy" tab was not working. It was still possible for the user to save the results by right clicking the grid and choosing "Save to CSV", but the automatic prompt to do so when clicking [...]

v3.3.1 is out now!

So, back in May I released v3.3.0, which was a huge new release as the linked article explains. And, when you make a lot of changes, and typically, fixes and improvements, sometimes, you do things wrong. Sometimes its more serious than others. The main driver behind this new release of v3.3.1 was to fix a problem that developed in v3.3.0 with regard to exporting, as HTML, very large volumes of data. I'm talking hundreds of thousands, or millions, of rows. Ironically, I thought I had actually fixed a memory and stability problem, but in fact, I made it worse! [...]

v3.3.1 is coming soon!

Folks, a user very helpfully reported to me that when hashing a large volume of files using the FileS tab and then choosing to save the results as HTML, Quickhash was crashing. I was confused about this at first because when I released v3.3.0 I made a lot of updates to memory handling and introduced more filestreams for large volumes of data. However, what I did not realise was that I had adjusted the database interaction to use .RecordCount, and the mistaken belief that gave me a count of all the records in a given table. However, it generally [...]

v3.3.0 Debian Package Rebuilt

On the 29th May 2021, v3.3.0 was released for Windows, OSX and Linux. This included the Linux version in the form of a compiled binary, and a Debian package. A user kindly reported to me that the Debian package worked fine except that the libewf library file was not copied to the correct path, meaning the EWF (E01 forensic images) hashing capability that is new to v3.3.0 did not work unless the user manually messed around creating the path manually. As a result I have adjusted the Makefile of the project, and rebuilt the Debian package again. This obviously [...]

By |June 7th, 2021|News|0 Comments

Celebrating 10 years of QuickHash-GUI

For the last few months, I've been using every spare 20 minutes here, or 1 hour there, to develop v3.3.0 of Quickhash-GUI. It has been really hard work, I won't lie. There was a build up of bugs and feature requests going back a year or more that I really wanted to get wrapped into v3.3.0, especially because 29th May 2021 is the ten year anniversary of QuickHash-GUI! The picture below was the v1 release, for Linux, released back in 2011. Quickhash-GUI v1 for Linux released back in 2011 And then below you can see v3.3.0, fresh [...]

By |May 29th, 2021|News|0 Comments

QuickHash-GUI v3.3.0 is OUT! So what is new?

QuickHash GUI v3.3.0 - What is new? As we celebrate 10 years of QuickHash-GUI, the biggest update of the program for several years is released; v3.3.0. It has been a monumental amount of work for one hobbyist person, and I am thankful for the couple of hero open-source community members who have helped with parts of this release. I am not going to list the entire CHANGELOG here because there is too much for one blog post but I encourage you to go  and read it over on Github. I will however provide a "brief" insight below. OSX [...]

How to reduce AWS Web Hosting Fees for Non Profits, Charities, and Open Source Projects

How to reduce AWS Web Hosting Fees for Non Profits, Charities, and Open Source Projects Introduction Are you running a website using AWS (Amazon Web Services) for a non-profit, charity, open-source, or some other kind of "for the greater good" cause and wondering to yourself "this is costing me a fortune!"? If so, then do read on. I created this website in AWS in 2016. At that time, I was fairly new to AWS, having played with it more casually prior to that and I was at the stage that I felt confident to host a website in [...]

By |December 1st, 2020|News|0 Comments

Same website, but different!

Regular Quickhash-GUI users who have stuck with the product for several years will know that I have wrestled with various elements to draw a balance between the elements us open source developers often have, which is presenting our products as best we can but without it costing us a fortune. In 2016, I moved from Sourceforge to hosting on AWS. Back then, I was quite new to AWS and, like many of us, built a website using largely default settings with little thought to the future. After about a year I had learned a lot more and made some [...]

By |October 14th, 2020|News|0 Comments

v3.2.0 is now available

It's been just over a year since v3.1.0 was released, and during that time a number of feature requests and some minor bug reports have been submitted. Family and work life have meant that I wasn't able to action many of them as quickly as I would have liked, and consequently they accumulated into quite an endeavour of work. Well over the last few weeks, I managed to address many of them and am happy to report the release of v3.2.0 which, most notably, includes the Blake3 hash algorithm which was released earlier in 2020 and several people asked [...]