Quickhash-GUI v3.3.4 is out
Quickhash-GUI v3.3.4 is out What's new, Ted? 2023 has not seen a flurry of updated releases as much as some of the earlier years, that is true. Family life and work life [...]
v3.3.2 is out now!
v3.3.1 is out now! Don't get excited, folks! This is only a small update. The key changes are the column headers in CSV outputs had to be tweaked because Microsoft Excel gets confused [...]
v3.3.1 is out now!
So, back in May I released v3.3.0, which was a huge new release as the linked article explains. And, when you make a lot of changes, and typically, fixes and improvements, sometimes, you do [...]
v3.3.1 is coming soon!
Folks, a user very helpfully reported to me that when hashing a large volume of files using the FileS tab and then choosing to save the results as HTML, Quickhash was crashing. I was [...]
v3.3.0 Debian Package Rebuilt
On the 29th May 2021, v3.3.0 was released for Windows, OSX and Linux. This included the Linux version in the form of a compiled binary, and a Debian package. A user kindly reported to [...]
Celebrating 10 years of QuickHash-GUI
For the last few months, I've been using every spare 20 minutes here, or 1 hour there, to develop v3.3.0 of Quickhash-GUI. It has been really hard work, I won't lie. There was a [...]
QuickHash-GUI v3.3.0 is OUT! So what is new?
QuickHash GUI v3.3.0 - What is new? As we celebrate 10 years of QuickHash-GUI, the biggest update of the program for several years is released; v3.3.0. It has been a monumental amount of [...]
How to reduce AWS Web Hosting Fees for Non Profits, Charities, and Open Source Projects
How to reduce AWS Web Hosting Fees for Non Profits, Charities, and Open Source Projects Introduction Are you running a website using AWS (Amazon Web Services) for a non-profit, charity, open-source, or some [...]
Same website, but different!
Regular Quickhash-GUI users who have stuck with the product for several years will know that I have wrestled with various elements to draw a balance between the elements us open source developers often have, [...]
v3.2.0 is now available
It's been just over a year since v3.1.0 was released, and during that time a number of feature requests and some minor bug reports have been submitted. Family and work life have meant that [...]