- Version 3.3.4
- Download 1387
- File Size 11.71 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 01/11/2023
- Last Updated 01/11/2023
Non-English User Manuals
Following over 11 years of developing QuickHash-GUI, I have paid for the power of AWS Translate and managed to create 14 versions of the QuickHash-GUI user manual in the following non-English languages (based on what I gather are the most widely spoken languages as of 2023):
German (de)
Spanish (es)
Italian (it)
Norwegian (no)
Finnish (fi)
Hindi (hi)
Urdu (ur)
Bengali (bn)
Portugese (pt)
Indonesian (id)
Japanese (ja)
Marathi (mr)
Telegu (te)
Chinese Traditional (zh-TW)
Vietnamese (vi)
Note that a French version is provided already, kindly created by a human who was kind enough to do it, in the Downloads section and is not really out of date yet and perfectly OK for use.
This zip download contains all of the user manuals in all of those other 14 languages, and are current as of version 3.3.4 of QuickHash-GUI, released 1st Nov 2023. I hope they help my users across the world better understand the program and I hope it makes it easier.
As ever, please consider donating if they have helped you. It did cost me some money to get these created.
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