Download is available until [expire_date]
  • Version 3.3.4
  • Download 7145
  • File Size 4.71 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 01/11/2023
  • Last Updated 01/11/2023

Quickhash-GUI v3.3.4 for Linux

This download is the 64-bit Debian Package and a pre-compiled binary executable of Quickhash-GUI. The user manual is also in the download. There is no 32-bit version for Linux.

Users are encouraged to use the Debian package and package manager, where possible. The pre-compiled binary is provided for your convenience, as not all Linux users have a Debian package manager.

To install on any recent GUI based Linux distribution (such as Linux Mint), just extract the downloaded zip to a folder, double click the Debian file, and enter the admin password to install. Or use the command line from the folder where you extract the Debian package to, as follows :

sudo dpkg -i quickhash_3.3.4-1_amd64.deb 

(note - a dependency exists of libc6 >= v2.34)

To execute the pre-compiled binary, copy it and the "libs" folder from the zip file, give it executable permission, and double click. If it does not run, try running it from the terminal :


If it still doesn't run, it will likely be due to a missing dependancy for which you will be shown, and you can then install those (depending on how old your Linux system is).

Also note that an SO file is shipped with binary in a sub folder called 'libs'. This is needed for the binary executable. The same file is used by the Debian installer but will be modified by your installer as all package managers differ.

Please do consider donating if QuickHash-GUI is useful to you. Report bugs HERE. Write a testimonial HERE, if you'd like to share your experiences in our testimonials section. If you are a developer you can follow the source code commits over on the Github page

The hashes for the files are in the included Debian log file, inside the zip. But a hash of the zip file itself (which you can use sha1sum or sha256sum to check) is below :

SHA-1 :


SHA-256 :
