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  • Version 3.0.3
  • Download 1584
  • File Size 7.52 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 09/01/2019
  • Last Updated 17/01/2019

QuickHash v3.0.3 Windows

This version has been superseded by v3.0.4

This is the 32 and 64 bit versions of QuickHash-GUI v3.0.3 for Windows. It includes the PDF user manual, and both executables ready to use, along with SQLite DLL files. Extract all from the zip and simply click the one that suits your architecture.

Note: The the 64-bit version is architecture dependant. So you can only use the 64-bit version on 64-bit Windows operating systems. The 32-bit version will work on both.

This is not a digitally signed version. Code Signed copies can be purchased via SendOwl.com for £1.99 from this PAGE. To understand the benefits of code signed software and the added security comfort it offers, see this page.

See the hashes below for the unsigned copy of Quickhash and check on your own system once downloaded. Windows users have several other hashing tools they can use to check the hash of this download and even some websites will do it. Windows 10 users can use the built in powershell command Get-FileHash. The source code is also on GitHub (visit the Github page for the project via the menu at the top of the screen).

The zip file :

SHA1(Quickhash-Windows-v3.0.3.zip)= 85fc1e2118a402adb7a61d74099abdb8360fcf54

32 bit executable

SHA1(32-Bit/QuickHash.exe)= 98b7ac63a37c99ed26f80cf77f029e8c9fbcdf49

64 bit executable

SHA1(64-Bit/QuickHash.exe)= bba68b7607e311a9cab9c2afb0845c2a3fbc55cb

Other files:

SHA1(64-Bit/UserManual.pdf)= 7e8014008d89192b0381c612edd60e770eeecb7f

SHA1(64-Bit/sqlite3-win32.dll)= 4cb41af6d63a07324ef6b18b1a1f43ce94e25626

SHA1(64-Bit/sqlite3-win64.dll)= fd6a53989297676acbd6f921e3385fc2e7ea5f4e

Report bugs HERE

If you value the project, please consider donating HERE. The web hosting fees for this site are about £25 per month (hosting, load balancer, SSL certificate, routing, monitoring, health checks etc), and the code signing certificate costs about £220 a year, and the Sendowl platform costs $9 per month, so about £600 a year!!