- Version 3.0.0 BETA2
- Download 1283
- File Size 1.94 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 15/12/2017
- Last Updated 21/01/2018
QuickHash V3.0.0. BETA2 for Windows
This is the second beta release of QuickHash version 3.0.0 for Windows. As my previous few blog posts have referred to, version 3.0.0 includes SQLite which is my first steps at making QuickHash better able to deal with large data volumes. Beta2 includes the "Hashlist Import" feature in the "FileS" tab, which allows users to ingest a list of existing hashes for cross-comparison.
With all these changes, about 40% of the program has been entirely re-written and much of it is new code with an entire new unit of code added to deal with SQLite and Hash List ingestion for all three operating system platforms.
Before releasing beta versions for Linux and OSX, it makes sense to release the first beta release for Windows given that that has the highest user base and any obvious bugs and issues should come to light quickly, which I can then fix before going to the more strenuous steps of compiling a Linux version with Debian packages and compiling an OSX version.
With that in mind, ensure you understand this is A BETA version. There WILL be things wrong with it. But, perhaps for your use, it will work just fine, and if it does I'd appreciate your comments below to help and support other users as well as myself.
Also, be aware that the user manual has not been re-written, yet, for version 3.0.0. The latest user manual that is still available is for v2.8.4 and other than some tick box and right-click options, is still largely relevant to version 3.0.0. So please refer to that, for now, if you need guidance and more information about the program.
SHA-1 Hash of the zip : C90F20EAA1B162DF411BCEADA29CBAE16200F624
SHA-1 Hash of the executable : D127406FA17517A19BE71B4AABA9C5ECF5662E35
SHA-1 Hash of the sqlite3.dll : 431F2EF403180B1924B1D0870ED99748E0627C73
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