In Feb 2018, a code-signing certificate was purchased from Digicert to enable QuickHash to be provided as validated code-signed executables and as an OSX application. This was in response to user demand and the increasing limitations built into Windows and OSX to prevent non code signed software from running.

The compiled program was made available for a small fee but the ratio of users who bought it was only 0.4% of those who just used the unsigned version. So code-signed versions are currently no longer available. However, there is promise as of March 2021 in the form of the Linux Foundation project, SigStore. When that becomes live, there is hope that this project, along with thousands of others, will be able to be code signed without the need for the developer to buy a certificate. 

For those with a previously purchased copy of the code signed program, to  validate your purchased code signed copy of the program requires one of two methods depending on whether you use Windows or OSX.

For Windows : download DigiCerts Code Sign tool and click ‘Check Signature’ and then browse to the Quickhash executable file. Or use Kleopatra. 

For Apple OSX : using the terminal, navigate to the folder where you have the located and then execute the following command :

> codesign -dv --verbose=4