Many users are, of course, downloading QuickHash to compute hashes in the first place. But it is good practice to hash a downloaded file before you launch it to make sure you can trust it…to make sure the hash reported on the website for the file is the same as you have just downloaded.

So how do they hash QuickHash without using QuickHash? Firstly, obtain the hash from the download section for the download. Its usually listed towards the bottom of the description.

Then, depending on your platform, use the following commands (note the hashes below are NOT the official hashes to check against…examples only):

Windows 10 : Launch PowerShell and, to generate a SHA256 for example, use Get-FileHash

PS C:\> Get-FileHash $pshome\PathToQuickhash\QuickHash.exe | Format-List Algorithm : SHA256 Hash : 6A785ADC0263238DAB3EB37F4C185C8FBA7FEB5D425D034CA9864F1BE1C1B473 Path : C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe

Windows 7 or below : There are several tools that are free. Try Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier or use something like FTK Imager

Linux : Launch a terminal and  to generate a SHA256 for example, use sha1sum or sha256sum

sha256sum /PathToQuickHash/QuickHash-Linux-x64

Apple Mac OSX : Launch a terminal and  to generate a SHA1 for example, use openssl

openssl sha1 /PathToQuickHash/