OK, as promised in my recent blog posts, here is the eagerly anticipated release of Quickhash v2.8.0 for Apple Mac OSX operating systems. This brings all the great new features and improvements of the program that Windows and Linux users get, to Apple Mac users.
Now, every time I create an Apple Mac release, I have some issues from some people. OSX is just a weird platform. Please note I do not have a decent or modern Apple Mac. It’s a ten year old Mac Mini with 2Gb of RAM that JUST manages to run Yosemite, at a push. So recompiling a new version of QuickHash is not that easy. And, because I don’t use Mac’s much, I’m not that familiar with their ways. However, having generated a “QuickHash.app” application file, I have then moved the actual binary file to within the MacOS\Contents subfolder, meaning you, the user, should be able to just double click the downloaded .app file and it should work. And that includes Apple Mac Sierra OSX. If you have problems, please report them to me, ideally with step-by-step actions and screenshots, ideally using the bug tracker
Get the download HERE :

Quickhash v2.8.0 Running On Yosemite
Excellent Spence. It seems to be a common issue this. I think those permissions have to be set by every user after download. AFAIK, it’s not something I can control as the developer. It may have executable perms on my machine, but once someone else downloads it, their own filesystem has to recognise it is executable. Others users have had the same issue with v2.7.0. So it’s helpful for you to report your findings. Thanks
Just attempted to use QuickHash on Sierra and found that the binary does not have execute permissions set after being extracted from the tar.gz file … set permissions to 755 and things worked nicely.